2020《To My Decisions!-臺中一中美術班畢業展》,臺中市大墩文化中心藝廊,臺中,臺灣。
2019 西螺基督長老教會水彩寫生比賽 高中組 入選
2019 中部四縣市寫生比賽 高中美術班組 第九名
2018 全國學生美術比賽 高中美術班組 西畫類 佳作
2018 中部四縣市寫生比賽 高中美術班組 第五名
2018 全國學生美術比賽台中市 高中美術班組 西畫類 第二名
2018 彩筆畫媽祖水彩比賽 高中組 佳作
2018 中原盃第21屆全國書法比賽 高中組 佳作
BA in Fine Arts, TNUA
2020 To My Decisions!-Taichung First Senior High School Art Class Graduation Exhibition, Da Dun Cultural Center Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan.
2019 ECHO-Taichung First Senior High School Art Class Exhibition, Taichung First Senior High School Lize Building Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan.
2019 Judges’ Award in the Xiluo Presbyterian Church Watercolor Sketching Competition, High School Group.
2019 9th Prize in the Sketching Competition of Four Counties and Cities in Central Taiwan, High School Art Class Group.
2018 Honorable Mention in the National Student Art Competition, High School Art Class Group, Western Painting Category.
2018 5th Prize in the Sketching Competition of Four Counties and Cities in Central Taiwan, High School Art Class Group.
2018 2nd Prize in the National Student Art Competition, Taichung City, High School Art Class Group, Western Painting Category.
2018 Honorable Mention in the Mother of God Watercolor Painting Competition, High School Group.
2018 Honorable Mention in the 21st National Calligraphy Competition of the Central Plains Cup, High School Group.